Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Story of Stuff

I haven't blogged in nearly a year - not one personal, family, business, or philosophical note to the world. On a whim, I pulled up all my old blogs today to think about starting again. Funnily, this little blog, which I obviously have given very little attention to over the course of a couple of years, has sat lifelessly - and in its dormant state has been viewed over 6,000 times. So, since there is apparently an audience sitting at my doorstep awaiting some entertainment, I decided it's about time I provide it.

To kick things off, I contemplated jumping into some post-election (since I completely missed the whole thing here) conversations. Instead, though, I thought I'd avoid the repetitive redundancy of Obama vs Romney and focus on principles and general political insights.  The first thing that came to mind was a video I watched last year that made me  - well - think.

The video is called "The Story of Stuff" and it was an assignment to watch it for one of my husband's college classes. It was several minutes into the video before I realized this thing was riddled with political leanings - to the left no less. And yet, I, who generally stand somewhere in the middle of the right-wing, found my firmly planted right-feet wiggling around in the political soil!

Although, in the end, my fundamental opinions and views did not change due to this one 20-minute video, it did make me reconsider my position on big business and government regulations. It made me ask myself if perhaps there is a place for more government regulations on businesses. It made me question whether recycling should be mandated. It made me wonder if the rainforests really will disappear. It was also very educating. It was one of those moments where obvious facts of life are presented in such a way that suddenly, the light turns on and you actually see them.

So there you go. I recommend watching "The Story of Stuff." My goal is not to make anyone change their views, but rather to question them. Make sure your opinions are actually your opinions. Never be a lemming!

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